Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama埼玉県さいたま市見沼区

Living in Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama

Higashi-Omiya Station East Exit Street

We have Summarized the livability of Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama.

What kind of place is Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama?

Shichiri Comprehensive Park

Minuma Ward, Saitama City, where new and old residents coexist

Minuma Ward, Saitama City, belongs to Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, and is located in the central northern part of Saitama City.
The area is surrounded by Ageo City and Hasuda City to the north, Kita Ward, Saitama City, and Omiya Ward to the west, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City to the east, and Midori Ward, Saitama City, and Urawa Ward to the south.
It is the second largest in Saitama City in terms of area, with a population of approximately 164,000 people and 75,000 households. (As of September 1, 2021)

PR video of Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama

Minuma Ward Promotional Video

How is the traffic situation in Minuma Ward, Saitama City?

Higashi-Omiya Station

Minuma Ward, Saitama City, where the Tobu Noda Line runs, connecting Omiya and Kasukabe

In Minuma Ward, Saitama City, there are Owada Station and Shichiri Station on the Tobu Noda Line (Tobu Urban Line) that run from east to west, and most of the users are probably residents heading to Kasukabe or Omiya.
The JR line has Higashi-Omiya Station on the JR Utsunomiya Line, and it is located within an hour from Tokyo, so it is a popular area for Tokyo commuters. Minuma Ward, Saitama City is long vertically, and people living in the southern part of the ward tend to use Omiya Station or Saitama Shintoshin Station.

For car traffic, National Route 16 runs through the north, but there are no other major national routes, and the ward is mainly made up of prefectural roads, and buses, trucks, bicycles, etc. run everywhere.
In particular, Prefectural Route 2, which connects Iwatsuki to Omiya, is a route with high congestion rates and is very crowded in the mornings and evenings.

  • Minuma Ward in Saitama City is close to Omiya Station, and once you get to Omiya Station you can access many areas, making it very convenient.

  • If you are traveling from a Tobu Noda Line station to downtown Tokyo, you will need to transfer at Omiya Station or Kasukabe Station.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Minuma Ward, Saitama City?

    Around Haruno, Minuma Ward, Saitama City

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, where new residential areas are expanding

    According to SUUMO, the average rental price for a condominium or apartment in Minuma Ward, Saitama City is about 75,000 yen for a 1LDK and 85,000 yen for a 2LDK.

    The average land price for the entire Minuma Ward, Saitama City is about 732,000 yen per tsubo. As it is in Saitama City, it is classified as one of the most expensive in the prefecture.

  • In Saitama City’s Minuma Ward, the areas around Owada Station and Shichiri Station on the Tobu Noda Line are still surrounded by nature and farmland, and are currently undergoing new residential development. This is a recommended area for those considering buying a home in Saitama City.

  • Although it is an area with lots of nature, there are few outstanding spots.

    How is childcare and education in Minuma Ward, Saitama City?

    Shibaura Institute of Technology

    A Growing Community for Families: “Minuma Ward, Saitama City”

    Minuma Ward in Saitama City has 26 certified childcare facilities. There are 11 kindergartens, 12 elementary schools, 8 junior high schools, and 3 high schools. Additionally, with Shibaura Institute of Technology and Nihon University School of Law in the area, it has also become a comfortable place for university students to live.

    Supporting Working Families in “Minuma Ward, Saitama City”

    Saitama City’s Child Medical Expense Subsidy program covers children under 18 years old (up to March 31 after they turn 18) for outpatient and inpatient care.
    To support parents using unauthorized childcare facilities, the city subsidizes fees for children attending certified unauthorized childcare facilities, with the condition that the parents work more than 64 hours a month for at least 16 days, reducing fees by up to 20,000 yen per child each month.

    Encouraging Community Participation in Parenting: “Minuma Ward, Saitama City”

    Minuma Ward also supports fathers and grandparents in participating in child-rearing.
    The “Child-Rearing Dad Support Project” promotes father participation by offering experiences as a one-day childcare worker or kindergarten teacher, along with distributing the “Father and Child Handbook.”
    Additionally, the “Three-Generational Child-Rearing Support Project” promotes grandparent participation through “Grandchild Care Lectures” and distributes the “Grandparent Handbook” to foster smoother relationships between grandparents and parents.

    Minuma Ward has large parks and abundant greenery, making it a great environment for children to play and grow. However, many narrow roads and narrow pedestrian paths, along with heavy traffic, necessitate caution when letting children play alone.

  • There is Saitama Sakae Higashi High School, which has a course for entering the University of Tokyo, and Shibaura Institute of Technology, a science-based school, so academics are close by, making it an excellent environment for raising children.

  • The area around Higashi-Omiya Station has narrow roads and busy roads, so care must be taken when children are commuting to school.

    How about shopping in Minuma Ward, Saitama City?

    Patria Higashi-Omiya

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, is packed with supermarkets

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, boasts a large area and is dotted with shopping centers that are closely tied to the local community. It is also a hotbed of supermarkets, with stores such as Comodi, Maruetsu, Mommy Mart, York Mart, and Food Garden. Around Higashi-Omiya Station, there are Sunpia Higashi-Omiya, which houses Seiyu, Hareno Terrace, which is always bustling with events, and Patria Higashi-Omiya, which houses the general hobby store TAMTAM, making it a recommended area where you won’t have any trouble with your daily shopping.

  • There are many supermarkets and convenience stores, so you will never have trouble buying food and daily necessities.

  • There are no large shopping malls in the area, so if you want to enjoy shopping, you’ll need to head to the area around Omiya Station or other areas.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Minuma Ward, Saitama City?

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, has many construction and delivery-related job openings

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, has many companies that are closely related to daily life, and there are many construction and delivery-related jobs, so there are frequent job openings for men. Also, since it is an area where long-time residents and new residents live together, there are many job openings in the nursing care and medical fields.

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Subsidy program for earthquake resistance reinforcement (diagnosis, reinforcement, and reconstruction of specific private buildings and small buildings) Subsidies for earthquake-proofing buildings blocking emergency transport roads

    Minuma Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    About the school attendance assistance system (assistance for school supplies, etc.) Provision of elementary school entrance preparation funds
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