Kamisato Town, Saitama埼玉県上里町

Living in Kamisato Town, Saitama

Kamisato PA

We have Summarized the livability of Kamisato Town, Saitama.

What kind of place is Kamisato Town, Saitama?

Aiming for a Compact and Comfortable Town: “Kamisato Town”

Kamisato Town has a population of approximately 31,000 people.
Located at the northernmost tip of Saitama Prefecture, it is characterized by its proximity to Gunma Prefecture, straddling the Tone and Tori Rivers.
The easy access to neighboring prefectures and its relatively mild climate are also attractions, making Kamisato Town known as a livable area. With minimal temperature fluctuations, it provides a comfortable living environment throughout the seasons.

Kamisato Town was established in 1971, and the following year saw the completion of Jinbohara Elementary School. Since then, facilities such as daycare centers, a fire department, and a senior citizens’ welfare center have been constructed one after another.
Currently, redevelopment efforts are underway around Jinbohara Station, focusing on creating a charming and compact town that emphasizes livability.
As the appeal and comfort of Kamisato Town are expected to continue increasing, it seems certain that it will remain a popular area for relocation.

PR video of Kamisato Town, Saitama

Video commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the town

Start a comfortable life in Saitama Kita

How is the traffic situation in Kamisato Town?

Jinbohara Station

Only One Station, but Well-Developed Main Roads Make Life Convenient in “Kamisato Town”

Kamisato Town has one station, “Jinbohara Station,” served by the JR Takasaki Line. The average daily ridership at Jinbohara Station is about 2,000 people.
It is used by people of all ages for commuting and school, as well as for access to other areas. Currently, there are plans to relocate a high school near the station, which will undoubtedly make Kamisato Town an even more livable place for families.

Moreover, increased access from other areas is likely to enhance the town’s vibrancy. Kamisato Town is also served by the Kanetsu Expressway, with the Kamisato Service Area, as well as National Routes 17 and 254, providing excellent access to neighboring prefectures. Given the region’s reliance on car travel, this transportation network is very convenient for residents’ daily lives.

  • You can get to Omiya and Tokyo without changing trains by using the JR Takasaki Line. At this point, the trains heading in the direction of Omiya are empty, so you can get on and sit down.

  • It takes an hour to get to Omiya Station, so commuting to Tokyo is not possible.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Kamisato Town?

    A Recommended Town for Building Custom Homes: “Kamisato Town”

    The average rent in Kamisato Town is about 40,000 yen for a 1K and 60,000 yen for a 2LDK. Compared to other areas, it is evident that you can find properties at lower rental prices.
    This area is suitable for individuals as well as families, allowing them to live without placing a heavy financial burden on their budgets. For properties that are over 20 years old, it is possible to find 1K accommodations for less than 30,000 yen in rent.
    If you’re looking to minimize rental costs, it’s advisable to focus on the age of the property when choosing a place to live.

  • The average rent is low, making it an easy area for families to afford. In addition, the land price is low, so it is possible to build your dream home by ordering a custom-built house.

  • Living in the countryside comes with problems such as pollen dispersion and insects.

    How is childcare and education in Kamisato Town?

    A Safe Town with a Community that Nurtures Children: “Kamisato Town”

    Currently, Kamisato Town has seven nursery schools. These facilities offer care not only on weekdays but also on Saturdays, supporting working mothers.
    Moreover, some nursery schools provide extended hours from 7 AM to 7:30 PM, ensuring that busy parents can have peace of mind.

    The town subsidizes a portion of the childcare fees, making it more affordable for users. Additionally, for families with three or more children, nursery and lunch fees are free, regardless of the ages of the siblings.
    Furthermore, Kamisato Town offers children’s centers and after-school clubs, as well as learning spaces for middle and high school students. This provides a secure environment for children after school, as well as a quiet place to study.
    The town also has five elementary schools and two junior high schools, ensuring a solid educational infrastructure for安心した子育て。

    Kamisato Town’s Child Medical Expense Subsidy covers children aged 18 and under (up to March 31 after turning 18) for outpatient and inpatient care. Few municipalities in Saitama Prefecture offer such support, making this area unique.
    Additionally, the town has a Baby Home Visit and Consultation program that visits new parents to measure the baby’s weight, provide childcare advice, and introduce immunization and maternal and child health services. All families with newborns are contacted as part of this program.

  • The area is rich in nature and the air is clean, so children can play safely.

  • This is an area with a wide rural landscape, so there are many places with few electric lights, and you need to be careful when walking at night.

    How about shopping in Kamisato Town?

    Aeon Town Kamisato

    Kamisato Town is a town with plenty of shopping options, with two large shopping malls

    Kamisato Town is home to a large shopping mall along National Route 17, called Aeon Town Kamisato. This mall features not only daily necessities from stores like Beruku and Welcia but also entertainment facilities like Round One and Maruhan, attracting many visitors on both weekdays and weekends.
    Additionally, National Route 17 hosts mid-sized shopping malls such as Cainz and Beisia, making it a frequent spot for DIY enthusiasts.

    In the southeastern area of Kamisato Town, known as Nanahonki, Prefectural Route 23 runs through, lined with supermarkets like Beruku and the large shopping mall Unicus Kamisato.
    Unicus Kamisato offers not only shopping but also a movie theater and library, making it a bustling hub of activity.

    Though Kamisato Town is small, it boasts two large shopping malls, ensuring a fulfilling shopping experience.

  • There are large shopping malls and supermarkets in Kamisato Town, so you will never have trouble purchasing food and daily necessities.

  • Regardless of whether you’re shopping or traveling, you’ll need a car.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Kamisato Town?

    A Town Filled with Factories, from Large Stores to Precision Instruments and Food: Kamisato Town

    Kamisato Town is home to companies like Nissho Seimitsu Gaku Co., which develops optical measurement devices and microscopes, and Zeus Co., which specializes in cable and harness processing. Nissho Seimitsu Gaku Co. handles everything in-house, from design to processing and adjustments, producing custom-made optical devices.
    Additionally, Zeus Co. is committed to manufacturing high-quality products, boasting a proven track record in EMS and electronic equipment production.
    Kamisato Town also features many promising companies, including Micro Co., Canon Components Inc., and L-Techno Co., among others.
    When checking job listings in Kamisato Town, you’ll find a variety of positions available, including inspection work at food factories, cash register operations, stocking, and sales across different industries. Many jobs are open to inexperienced applicants, making it easier for newcomers to take on challenges.

    Kamisato Town, Saitama’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Kamisato Town, Saitama’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Saitama Kita Vacant House Bank Housing renovation subsidy

    Kamisato Town, Saitama’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    School Assistance Program English Proficiency Test Fee Subsidy Program Loan of Mobile Routers for Home Study in Kamisato Town Subsidy for Participation Fees for Junior High School Experience Training in Kamisato Town
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