Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama埼玉県さいたま市桜区

Living in Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama

Plaza West

We have Summarized the livability of Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama.

What kind of place is Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama?

Saitama University

Saitama City Sakura Ward, where the parks along the Arakawa River and Saitama University are located

Saitama City Sakura Ward, located in the southwestern part of Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture.
To the north, it borders Saitama City’s Nishi Ward and Omiya Ward; to the west, Fujimi City and Shiki City; to the northeast, Saitama City’s Chuo Ward; to the east, Saitama City’s Urawa Ward; to the southeast, Saitama City’s Minami Ward; and to the south, Asaka City. It has a population of approximately 95,000 people and 46,000 households, making it the third most densely populated ward in Saitama City as of November 1, 2021.
Saitama City Sakura Ward is home to Saitama University.
All faculties—Liberal Arts, Education, Economics, Science, and Engineering—are gathered on a single campus, promoting interdisciplinary education and research that capitalizes on this advantage.
The surrounding environment is also well-suited for learning, providing a comfortable atmosphere for study.
The presence of this prominent university positively influences the region by raising academic awareness.
Additionally, on the same grounds as the Saitama City Sakura Ward Office, there is Plaza West, a beautifully designed multipurpose facility. It features a hall, multipurpose rooms, music studios, computer rooms, an art studio, a kitchen studio, an audiovisual room, and seminar rooms. As a community exchange center, it hosts various events for the local residents.

How are the rent and land prices in Sakura Ward, Saitama City?

Nishi-Urawa Station

“Sakura Ward, Saitama City” with easy access to both Koshigaya and Kawagoe

Sakura Ward, Saitama City, only has Nishi-Urawa Station on the JR Musashino Line in the south of the ward, but many people use Minami-Yono Station in Chuo Ward, Saitama City, or Naka-Urawa Station in Minami Ward, Saitama City, on the west side. Therefore, people living on the west side along the Arakawa River must use another form of transportation, such as a bus, to get to the station.

National Route 463, which connects Fujimi City and Saitama City, runs through the ward, so if you own a car, it is a convenient area for traveling to the western part of Saitama Prefecture. In addition, the Metropolitan Expressway Omiya Line runs through the ward, making it very convenient for traveling within Tokyo by car.

  • You can get to Shinjuku in about 30 to 40 minutes by using Minami-Yono Station or Naka-Urawa Station. You can also get to Tokorozawa and Koshigaya at Nishi-Urawa Station.

  • If you board the train from a station in Sakura Ward, Saitama City, it will be difficult to get a seat as the train will already be crowded.

  • How is the traffic situation in Sakura Ward, Saitama City?

    A popular and easy-to-live-in area: Sakura Ward, Saitama City

    According to SUUMO, the average price for a rental apartment or condominium in Sakura Ward, Saitama City is around 80,000 yen for a 1LDK and 91,000 yen for a 2LDK.

    The average land price in Sakura Ward, Saitama City as a whole is around 575,000 yen per tsubo. This area is located in the southwest of Saitama City, close to Tokyo, but there are few train stations and some areas can be inconvenient depending on where you live, so the average price may be relatively cheap compared to other areas. However, land within a 15-minute walk from the station exceeds 800,000 yen per tsubo.

  • Sakura Ward in Saitama City is still an area where it is easy to find land for sale within the city, so building a custom-built detached home is not a dream.

  • Land prices are rising throughout Saitama City, so the housing market is very high overall. In the case of detached houses, there are many small lots for sale, and many of them are three stories high.

    How is childcare and education in Sakura Ward, Saitama City?

    Picnic Forest

    Supporting childcare for the working generation in Saitama City’s Sakura Ward

    There are 18 childcare facilities in Saitama City Sakura Ward. There are 9 kindergartens, 8 elementary schools, 5 junior high schools, and 4 high schools.

    Saitama City’s Child Medical Expense Subsidy covers children up to the age of 18 (until March 31 following their 18th birthday) for both outpatient and inpatient care.
    As a subsidy for guardians who use non-certified childcare facilities, if the child is attending a city-certified non-certified childcare facility and the guardian needs childcare for work (at least 16 days and 64 hours per month), the city provides up to 20,000 yen per month per child to reduce the childcare fees.

    Encouraging community-wide participation in childcare in Saitama City Sakura Ward

    Saitama City Sakura Ward also supports the involvement of fathers and grandparents in childcare.
    The promotion of father involvement in childcare is referred to as the ‘Support Project for Childrearing Fathers,’ where fathers can participate in one-day childcare or kindergarten teacher experiences, and the city distributes a booklet for fathers called Father and Child Handbook.
    Similarly, the ‘Three-Generation Childcare Support Program’ promotes grandparent involvement by offering ‘Grandparenting Classes’ and distributing the Grandparents’ Handbook to facilitate smoother relationships between grandparents and childrearing families.

    With Saitama University located in Saitama City Sakura Ward, many university students live nearby, creating a well-established learning environment with access to numerous tutoring centers, making it a great place to focus on academic endeavors.

  • Sakura Ward in Saitama City is an area that is easy to raise children in, with plenty of parks and greenery throughout the city. In addition, Saitama University is located here, so you can consider raising your children in this area until they reach university age.

  • Because this is an area with a high number of children on waiting lists, you need to plan your admission to nursery school carefully.

    How about shopping in Sakura Ward, Saitama City?

    “Saitama City Sakura Ward” where you won’t have any trouble with food and daily necessities

    While there are no major attractions in Saitama City Sakura Ward, such as large shopping malls that draw visitors from other areas, there are medium-sized supermarkets like the long-established Daiei Nishi-Urawa Store and Food Garden Shirakawa Store.
    Saitama City Sakura Ward mainly features local, community-based shopping facilities as its primary shopping spots. In addition, there are many small-scale stores such as convenience stores, making it a convenient area for daily necessities like groceries, household goods, and medicine.

  • There are many supermarkets in Sakura Ward, Saitama City, and many of them are open until late at night, making them very convenient.

  • There are no large shopping malls, so if you want fashion or other stylish items other than food and daily necessities, you will have to go to Tokyo or another area.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Sakura Ward, Saitama City?

    Saitama City’s Sakura Ward has many job openings related to everyday life, such as childcare workers and caregivers.

    Sakura Ward, Saitama City, is primarily a residential area. Therefore, there are many job openings for jobs closely related to daily life, such as caregivers, nursery teachers, cram school instructors, and private tutors, so there may be more job openings for women. There are various job openings depending on the time of year, so be sure to check regularly.

    Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Subsidy program for earthquake resistance reinforcement (diagnosis, reinforcement, and reconstruction of specific private buildings and small buildings) Subsidies for earthquake-proofing buildings blocking emergency transport roads

    Sakura Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    About the school attendance assistance system (assistance for school supplies, etc.) Provision of elementary school entrance preparation funds
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