Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama埼玉県さいたま市西区

Living in Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama

Miyamae Interchange

We have Summarized the livability of Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama.

What kind of place is Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama?

Water Control Bridge

Saitama City Nishi Ward is full of nature, including fields, parks, and the banks of the Arakawa River. It is an area well-known for its calm atmosphere and ease of living.

Saitama City Nishi Ward is a lush green area located in the western part of Saitama City, adjacent to Kawagoe City and Okegawa City. Nishi Ward was created when Saitama City became a designated city in April 2003.
According to the 2015 census, the average age is 46.0 years old, which is a little old, with 12.9% of the population being young (0-14 years old), 59.8% being productive (15-64 years old), and 27.3% being elderly (65 years old and over).
The Arakawa River flows to the west, and there are golf courses and grounds in the surrounding area. It is a sports-loving area, with the famous Saitama Sakae High School located right next to JR Kawagoe Line’s Nishi-Omiya Station.

PR video of Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama

Nishi Ward: A city of water, greenery and flowers

How is the traffic situation in Nishi Ward, Saitama City?

Nishi-Omiya Station

Saitama City Nishi Ward: A relay area between Kawagoe and Omiya

The JR Kawagoe Line connects Omiya Station and Kawagoe Station through Saitama City Nishi Ward, and two stations, Nishi-Omiya Station and Sashiogi Station, support the lives of residents.
The Saikyo Line provides direct access to Ikebukuro and Shinjuku, making this a popular area for people commuting to Tokyo.

The National Route 17 Bypass is a main road, and trucks and other large vehicles frequently run through it. Prefectural Route 2, which connects Kawagoe and Omiya, is also a one-lane road with a lot of traffic, and buses also run on this route, so it is always congested in the mornings and evenings.
The Seibu buses that run through this area run frequently because many people use the bus to Omiya Station.
Local residents often avoid Prefectural Route 2 during peak hours.

  • Tobu and Seibu buses run in Nishi Ward, Saitama City, so you can get to Omiya Station without having to take the train.

  • The Kawagoe Line is connected to the Saikyo Line, so there are many delays. Also, the buses run through areas with a lot of traffic, so there are many cases where you cannot get on and off on time.

    How are the rent and land prices in Nishi Ward, Saitama City?

    Around Nishi-Omiya Station

    Saitama City Nishi Ward is close to Omiya and convenient for shopping and leisure. With the construction of a highway planned, this area is likely to become even more popular in the future.

    According to SUUMO, the average rental price for a condominium or apartment in Saitama City Nishi Ward is about 59,000 yen for a 1LDK and 81,000 yen for a 2LDK.

    The average land price for the entire Saitama City Nishi Ward is about 480,000 yen per tsubo. Omiya Station is right next door, and it’s also close to Kawagoe, so it makes sense that the prices are higher than in other areas, given how convenient it is.

  • Nishi Ward in Saitama City is still an area with a lot of nature and farmland, and is a newly developed residential area. It is a recommended area for those considering buying a home in Saitama City.

  • There are few apartments, so people considering settling in Nishi Ward, Saitama City will basically be considering buying a detached house. Also, there are few stations, so it is an inconvenient area for people who commute by train.

    How is childcare and education in Nishi Ward, Saitama City?

    Saitama Sakae High School

    Sports-Oriented Saitama City Nishi Ward with Integrated Junior and Senior High Schools

    Saitama City Nishi Ward boasts 36 childcare facilities, including 8 kindergartens, 8 elementary schools, 7 junior high schools, and 4 high schools.
    Renowned for sports, Saitama Sakae High School attracts many applicants from across the nation, making it an aspirational school for families who love sports.

    Supporting Working Families in Saitama City Nishi Ward

    Saitama City’s Child Medical Expense Subsidy covers children under 18 years old (up until March 31 after they turn 18) for both outpatient and inpatient care.
    For parents using licensed non-certified childcare facilities, the city provides subsidies if the children attend a recognized facility, and the parent works at least 64 hours over 16 days a month. The subsidy can be up to 20,000 yen per child per month, easing childcare costs.

    Encouraging Community Involvement in Child Rearing in Saitama City Nishi Ward

    Saitama City Nishi Ward also supports the participation of fathers and grandparents in child-rearing.
    The “Dads Support Project” promotes father involvement by offering one-day nursery teacher and kindergarten experiences, as well as distributing a parenting support booklet for fathers called Father and Child Notebook.
    Similarly, the “Three-Generation Child-Rearing Support Program” promotes the involvement of grandparents through “Grandchild-Rearing Courses” and distributes the Grandparent Notebook to facilitate smoother relationships between grandparents and child-rearing families.

    Saitama City Nishi Ward offers large parks and plenty of greenery, making it an excellent environment for playing and raising children. However, narrow roads and limited pedestrian paths can lead to heavy traffic, so care should be taken when allowing children to play unsupervised.

  • There are few entertainment districts and many quiet residential areas, and the area is rich in nature and parks, making it an ideal place to raise children.

  • The roads in this area are prone to congestion, and many cars use narrow roads as shortcuts, so care must be taken when children are commuting to school.

    How about shopping in Nishi Ward, Saitama City?

    National Route 17

    Saitama City Nishi Ward: Where you can find everything from food and daily necessities to fashion

    National Route 17 runs through Saitama City Nishi Ward, and there are many shops lined up along the route. There are also many supermarkets in residential areas, so you will never have trouble shopping no matter where you live.

    In addition, Prefectural Route 2, which runs through Saitama City Nishi Ward from Omiya to Kawagoe, is lined with everything from stylish cafes to large chain restaurants, so families and even people living alone will not feel inconvenienced within their living area. However, the roads are often congested, so if you mainly travel by car, you should be careful about the time of day you go out.

    There are trains and buses, but you can also walk or bike to Omiya Station, so it might be a good idea to go shopping or eat out while exercising or taking a walk.

  • There are many supermarkets and convenience stores, so you will never have trouble buying food and daily necessities.

  • There are no large shopping malls in the area, so if you want to enjoy shopping, you’ll need to head to the area around Omiya Station or other areas.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Nishi Ward, Saitama City?

    Saitama City Nishi Ward: Many small and medium-sized businesses and many jobs

    Nishi Ward in Saitama City is lined with commercial facilities and small businesses along National Route 17 and Prefectural Route 2, making it a town that welcomes a variety of occupations. There are also many jobs that are closely related to daily life, such as nursing and other medical related jobs, nursing care jobs, construction jobs, and delivery jobs, making it an ideal area to settle down in. First, try searching on a job search site.

    Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Subsidy program for earthquake resistance reinforcement (diagnosis, reinforcement, and reconstruction of specific private buildings and small buildings) Subsidies for earthquake-proofing buildings blocking emergency transport roads

    Nishi Ward, Saitama City, Saitama’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    About the school attendance assistance system (assistance for school supplies, etc.) Provision of elementary school entrance preparation funds
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